Thursday, June 16, 2011

Politicians, Penises and Prostitutes, Oh My!

So it was just announced that Rep. Anthony Weiner has (finally!) decided to resign, as well he should.
Ever since the former President William Jefferson Clinton sat at his desk, pointed his fat finger at us and lied, "I did not have sex with that woman..." things have completely gone to hell! 
Despite the minor inconvenience of that little impeachment issue which was later dropped, Clinton got away with it. 
He's too smug to even be bothered by it today. He's far too busy earning his six figure speaking engagement fees. People pay a lot of money to hear this guy blabber and pontificate! 
Or maybe they just really want to thank him for teaching our children all about oral sex and that it's okay for the President to lie so it must be alright for everyone else to lie too, right?
I almost barfed when I read that Clinton was "angry" at Anthony Weiner (they're friends, Clinton officiated at his recent wedding to his now pregnant wife who also happens to work for Hillary) and was reportedly refusing to take his calls after the scandal broke. Well isn't that a case of the pot calling the kettle black? 
A tad self righteous, aren't we? 
Look what you started, Bill!

There's a long list of politicians who since Clinton's scandal, seem to think they too can get away with this type of behavior:
*Sen. John Edwards - liar, had affair with campaign aide who later gave birth to his child as his wife battled cancer.
*Gov. Arnold Schwartzenegger - liar, had affair with maid who later gave birth to his child as wife Maria staunchly defended him against rumors of groping and unacceptable behavior.

*Rep. Mark Foley - liar, sends texts of explicit sexual nature to young, male Senate pages.
*Gov. Elliot Spitzer - liar, patronized high priced call girls (prostitutes).
*Sen. Larry Craig - liar, gets caught trying to pick up men in airport restrooms.
*Gov. Mark Sanford - liar, boinking his Argentinian soulmate while everyone thought he was hiking the Appalachian Trail.
*Rep. Christopher Lee - liar, sends online pics of his pecs while looking for love in all the wrong places.
*Gov. James McGreevey - liar, having affair with another man. (Not totally unexpected when someone's had to live in a closet their entire life. It's got to be easier to be openly gay)
*Rep. Anthony Weiner - liar, know the rest. I hope there's not more.
These guys all have families, wives, children!
What are they thinking?
What are they thinking with? Their little heads, of course!
Had enough? Me too!
We need more women running for public office!
Given a choice, I'd probably vote for a woman over a man every time!
Well, any woman except Sarah Palin!

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