Thursday, January 13, 2011

Ted Williams? Wasn't He a Famous Baseball Player?

The only positive thing to come out of Tucson this week is that the news bumped Ted Williams out of the headlines.
To review: Some newspaper reporter in Ohio posts a video clip on You Tube showing Williams begging on the side of the road. He's holding his cardboard sign claiming to have a "God given talent" with his voice and is looking for a second chance. He claims to be a down-on-his-luck former radio voice then proves it. He says he's been clean and sober for two years, clip hits You Tube and the rest is history.
Plucked from the obscurity of his homeless life on the streets, he becomes the celeb du jour.
But his 15 minutes was wearing thin as the media made fools of themselves stumbling over each other to get their interviews.
He got more air time last week than the President.
One reporter found Williams' 90 year old mother who says she hadn't seen him in 20 years, whisked her away to where they thought he'd be and with cameras rolling waited for the "exclusive" on the mother and son reunion.
Ooops! Yet another news crew spirited Williams out the side door and Mom and reporter were left standing, making nervous small talk, waiting. I was surprised they even aired the footage because it made to reporter look like an idiot. I liked the Mom though. I think Williams got his great voice from her.
It was reported the Cleveland Cavaliers offered Williams an announcer's job.
His AA sponsor and friend stepped in and was reportedly fielding all offers.
He conducted dozens of interviews, hit every morning news program, afternoon talk show and recorded a commercial for Kraft Macaroni and Cheese.
Yes, recent history proves there are great rewards for behaving badly.
"I'll make you a star!"
And this all occurred within maybe 48 hours of the video going viral.
Then things started to unravel...

The Smoking Gun published most of his mug shots taken in the last 20 years as Williams visited a variety of jails.
It turns out he is a convicted felon - something I'm sure The Cavs front office wishes they knew before they got all excited and offered him that job.
He claimed his life of crime was only to support his drug habit.
His ex-wife was interviewed. She not only raised her own children without financial support from Williams, she took in and raised a child he fathered with another woman, also a drug addict.
Williams was flown out to LA for yet more interviews and a reunion with some of his 7 children. The cops were called to his hotel during a domestic disturbance between Williams and one of his daughters who was upset because he polished off a bottle of vodka.
Dr. Phil, whose aversion to face time rivals only that of Gloria Allred, brings Williams on his show where he finally admits that indeed, he hasn't exactly been as clean and sober the last two years as we were led to believe. I kept waiting for Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton to insert themselves into this.
Ugh! Here we go again.
Now, it appears, he's headed to rehab.
Good idea.
No one knows how Ted Williams' story will end but the likely scenario is:
He leaves rehab after 30 days because he thinks he's cured and fame and fortune are waiting. (Is that really enough time after a lifetime of drug and alcohol abuse?)
He once again becomes the media darling, makes a ton of money only to be sued by his ex-wife and 7 children for 20 years of back child support.
The pressure causes him to fall off the wagon and the cycle repeats itself...
Stay tuned.

Jan. 14, 2011 Update:
It's been reported Williams will be in rehab for 90 days, not 30. Even better idea.

And there is good news from Tucson in that Rep. Giffords is moving fingers, toes, arms, legs and has even been moved to a sitting position on her bed.
She's opened her eyes and her breathing tube may be removed today.
I'm praying for a miracle here.

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