Monday, November 29, 2010

Letting Off Steam

Someone who betrays your trust, commits treason or throws you under the bus is a traitor, not a trader.
When one sobs uncontrollably they are bawling, not balling.
Every word that ends with an 's' does not have an apostrophe!
Would you please learn the difference between they're, their and there?
And while you're at it, learn the difference between then and than, woman and women, who's and whose, affect and effect, or two, to and too.

Oh! And the word is housebroken, not housebroke.
Him and I went to Wal-Mart.  Wrong!
He and I went to Barnes & Noble. Correct!

And I don't claim to be an English professor but who the hell ever came up with "prolly?"
The word is "probably."
I detest this computer chat and texting shorthand crap!

I've got to tell you, some days I sit here and want to scream out loud.
Wait! I do scream out loud!
I'm not referring to the writings of the third graders my daughter is teaching.
These grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors are made by people who are either in college, have graduated already or claim to have a master's degree!

Shall I begin the mourning process now?
Is the English language dead or just on life support?
Since death is inevitable, I'm hoping to be reincarnated and come back in 25 years or so.
Will I need an interpreter to read, write and speak?

"Where's the party at?"
Never mind!
You're not invited!
You sound like a rube!

I feel better now.


  1. sueweiner2@comcast.netNovember 30, 2010 at 7:57 PM

    You think this is bad? Texting will make the next generation illerate. And I'm seeing it on the local news crawls...a mess of misspelling. And these are people in their 20's and up.

    Correct grammer and writing skills are a joke now.

  2. Spot on girlfriend!

  3. sorry, Sue - how about "grammar"... my pet peeve - "most unique" or "very unique"...

  4. Just found your blog and I like your style.
