Perhaps that is a good thing for some of you but enough have asked where I've been that I felt it was time to post something, anything, just to prove that I'm still alive and have not abandoned my blog.
The truth is, I've felt completely and totally uninspired lately!
My winter in Florida has been filled with visiting family, house guests, an apparent lizard invasion in the back yard, spraying weekly for cockroaches, thrice daily walks with my dogs (Boomer is now completely house broken), bad golf with extremely nice people who just happen to play to a 40 handicap and a family medical emergency that caused great concern.
The weather has been idyllic!
I've enjoyed many hours of pool time and have a great tan. I've read a couple of good books, (loved The Help by Kathryn Stockett!) learned how to program our automatic sprinkler system, restore the pool to a swimmable condition after a raccoon shit in it, learned which fertilizers are best for palm trees, how to identify poisonous toads and I pummeled a snake with that brand new shovel I purchased because I just knew it would come in handy one day. I've also become familiar with the care and pruning needs of the beautiful plants and trees in our yard.
But I'm suddenly overcome with the overwhelming feeling that it's time to return home.
I'm really missing my very busy husband and adult children.
I'm missing happy hours with my terrific Boulder neighbors.
I'm missing dinner with good friends.
I'm missing manicures with Molly.
I'm missing lunch with Collin.
I'm missing breakfast with Billy.
I'm missing the highly educated, inspiring, tolerant, intelligent and invigorating community that is Boulder!
I won't miss the redneck rube neighbor to the south who hacked away at our sable palm and dropped the fronds on our new plants. Without permission. He never apologized. Yes, we had words.
I won't miss the anal retentive asshole neighbor to the north who comes home every night from work and inspects our property line to see if our sweet lawn care guy disturbed a blade of his grass. We also talked. And I wonder how he lives in a world with so many God damned people in it! Miserable, angry man!
I think I feel very sorry for his wife.
I won't miss the crazy drivers who weave in and out of traffic at well over the speed limit on a five lane highway never using their signal. There's a reason I-95 has been designated the number one death trap highway in the US.
I won't miss the assholes who feel it's their God given right to sit on their car horn the second a light changes to green because the poor old guy in front can't put the pedal to the metal as fast as they can.
And I won't miss the disproportionate number of horrific crimes committed against children in the state of Florida. What's wrong with people down here?
I will miss my wonderful sisters, brothers, nieces, nephews and in-laws who reside here.
I'll miss our dinner parties and cookouts. I'll miss the birthday celebrations and impromptu happy hours.
I'll miss the Palm Beach Post - our great local daily newspaper, delivered to my door each morning. I really love a good newspaper!

But it's time to go.
I'm packing a little bit each day and purging the fridge.
I'll be hitting the road next Saturday with one of my dear brothers along for the ride.
Road Trip!
Hello Boulder!
We're coming home!
"Close your eyes and tap your heels together three times. And think to yourself, there's no place like home."
-The Wizard of Oz